Autore: Marketing Q8Oils Italia
Carbon Footprint e Carbon Handprint
Effinox, l’AdBlue® additivato
Alfons Wittrock Öl GmbH has been distributing Q8Oils products in northern Germany for more than 10 years. To celebrate this strong partnership, we asked them to answer a few questions about the past, the present, and the future.
Esperti nei fluidi per la lavorazione dei metalli in tutta Europa
La soluzione di Q8Oils per i cambi automatici
Alfons Wittrock Öl GmbH has been distributing Q8Oils products in northern Germany for more than 10 years. To celebrate this strong partnership, we asked them to answer a few questions about the past, the present, and the future.
Il contributo di Q8Oils per un futuro sostenibile – Parte 9
The UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a universal action plan to achieve a ‘better and more sustainable future for all’. Goal 6 focuses on clean water for all, water sanitations and an active company water strategy. Find out how Q8Oils puts SDG 6 into practice.
Il contributo di Q8Oils per un futuro sostenibile – Parte 8
The UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a universal action plan to achieve a ‘better and more sustainable future for all’. Goal 3 focuses on ensuring good health for all and promote well-being at all ages. Find out how Q8Oils puts SDG 3 into practice.
Il contributo di Q8Oils per un futuro sostenibile – Parte 7
The UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a universal action plan to achieve a ‘better and more sustainable future for all’. Goal 15 focuses on effective biodiversity and ecosystem management and protection of forests. Find out how Q8Oils puts SDG 15 into practice.
Il contributo di Q8Oils per un futuro sostenibile – Parte 6
The UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a universal action plan to achieve a ‘better and more sustainable future for all’. Goal 14 focuses on promoting the sustainable management and protection of marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity. Find out how Q8Oils puts SDG 14 into practice.
Il contributo di Q8Oils per un futuro sostenibile – Parte 5
The UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of a universal action plan to achieve a ‘better and more sustainable future for all’. Goal 13 focuses on taking urgent action to combat climate change. Find out how Q8Oils puts SDG 13 into practice.