The ideal hydraulic fluid for the steel industry: Q8 Estin S

Q8 Hunt and Q8 Hunt HV are new high quality sustainable hydraulic fluids suitable for a variety of industrial hydraulic applications. It allows a substantial CO2-reduction compared to traditional hydraulic fluids. Discover all benefits of Q8 Hunt.
Because the expectations of hydraulic systems in terms of performance and efficiency are constantly increasing, the requirements of hydraulic fluids are becoming more demanding.
Ester oils are used as base oils in many applications because of their readily biodegradability and specific characteristics. When applying aster oils, you should carefully consider the specifications and benefits of the different ester oil types.
Hydraulic oils are somewhat compressible which can cause problems in hydraulic systems. Aspects like temperature changes and the presence of air bubbles in the hydraulic oil influence compressibility which can lead to uncontrolled decompression and other problems related to compressibility.
The hydraulic fluid is the most important component in a hydraulic system. Choosing the right hydraulic fluid is crucial to guarantee the best performance and efficiency of the system. Each fluid has its specific characteristics in terms of viscosity, suitable operating conditions, anti-wear properties, etc. In this article we offer valuable tips and tricks to select the right fluid for your hydraulic system.
Modern hydraulic systems operate with relatively small hydraulic oil volumes, generating higher stress loads on lubricants. The Q8 Hogarth range offers hydraulic oils with improved viscometric properties to reduce the temperature influence on the oil viscosity. They have been developed to ensure a trouble-free operation and an extended oil replenishment interval due to superior oxidation stability.