Q8Oils is pleased to have made an important contribution to a new guide on good practice for the safe handling of metalworking fluids in the workplace.
Q8Oils major contributor to new UKLA guide on metalworking fluid safety

Q8Oils is pleased to have made an important contribution to a new guide on good practice for the safe handling of metalworking fluids in the workplace.
The cobalt that is released into metalworking fluid (MWF) as a result of the shaping and sharpening processes may dissolve and circulate in the fluid or become sediment at the bottom of the filter into which it was released.
Exposure to mists from metalworking fluids forms a potential risk to machine operators. The best way to avoid health problems is installing a risk and fluid management program and selecting safe and healthy products.
Inhalation of the mist generated by neat & soluble metalworking fluids can lead to respiratory diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and EAA (extrinsic allergic alveolitis), also known as hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Employers must ensure that adequate measures are taken to reduce the level of operator exposure to mist.
The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) prepares the opinions of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) related to several processes under the Biocidal Products Regulation. Substances, which were on the market before 14 May 2000 are referred to as existing active substances.
To assure a certain metal-to-metal contact and a solid grip of the cold rolling mills, the viscosity of cold rolling oil should be as low as possible. However low viscosity oils usually come with low flashpoints and undesired VOC emissions. That is not the case for the new generation of Q8 Bach RSD cold rolling oils with increased safety profile.
Water miscible and neat metalworking fluids are some of the most complex liquid sorts around in terms of chemistry and working environments. To help users on how to manage metalworking fluids, Q8Oils published the ‘engineers guide to using soluble metal manufacturing fluids’.