1. Disclaimer

At Q8Oils, we are committed to sustainability. We strive to integrate eco-friendly practices across our operations to minimize our ecological footprint. Our sustainability initiatives include local production, energy-efficient practices, waste reduction, and responsible sourcing. While we are dedicated to these efforts, we acknowledge the complexities of achieving complete sustainability. Factors beyond our control, such as dependence on third-party suppliers, regulatory constraints, etc., may impact our ability to fully realize our sustainability goals. We want to be transparent about our progress and limitations. Our sustainability claims are based on a third-party calculator, that provides us with verifiable data. The results were obtained based on the composition of the product(s) and on primary activity data for the blending. The carbon footprint was calculated with emission factors obtained primarily from the Ecoinvent database. Given the limited availability of primary data from suppliers as well as data on specific chemical impacts in environmental databases, assumptions are made. For most chemicals used in the production of the lubricant oil, proxies were used when assessing the environmental footprint. PCF data is evolving and may be updated in the future, as more accurate data or proxies become available. We are committed to continuous improvement and regularly review our practices to identify opportunities for enhancement. This tool is exclusively intended for providing general information. The user is liable for all decisions that he makes and / or for the actions he makes on the basis of the information stated in the PCF. Q8Oils can therefore not be held responsible for the results. For further information or inquiries regarding our sustainability practices, please contact our Sustainability Department: [email protected]


This sustainability disclaimer is effective as of February 1st 2024 and may be subject to updates as our sustainability journey evolves.

2. Methodology

Input data​

  1. Composition / Formulation​
  2. If relevant: Fuel efficiency, in-use consumption and drain intervals with related lubricant oil quantity, for the types of use​
  3. If relevant: In-use consumption and drain intervals of a comparable standard product, as a baseline.

Raw materials​

The carbon footprint of the raw materials is calculated based on the recipes provided. The total emissions is the sum of the emissions from each raw material, based on their share for 1 kg of final product.​

The base oils/additives are assessed using this order of priorities:​

  1. emission factor from the supplier ​
  2. composition, the generic emission factors based on the raw materials are used;​
  3. A petroleum-based product (base oil) and default emission factor (for additives) is assumed by default [e.g. EcoInvent database].

Transport from suppliers​

  • The transport of raw materials from suppliers is calculated using specific information on the distances and mode of transport for that supplier. ​
  • If the supplier is not filled in for a raw material, an average value is used.​


  • The blending step was calculated using primary data at factory-level for the Belgium site. ​
  • Total energy consumption and volume of lubricant oil produced were provided for the year 2021. Impacts are allocated to 1 kg of final product.​

Allocation per functional unit​

GHG emissions from the production of the lubricant oils are calculated based on the recipe, per kg of oil. Impacts are then allocated per functional unit (km or hour of use, depending on the type of use), using the properties of the lubricant oil:​

Avoided emissions​

Three types of benefits offered by the products are quantified in the tool:​

  • Fuel economy: reduction of emissions from the vehicle due to reduced fuel use.​
  • Longer oil drain: improved performance of the product, as the lubricant oil is changed less frequently.​
  • Reduced in-use oil consumption: reduction of lubricant consumption during the use.

3. Comparison


Q8 Formula Truck 7000 10W-40 has a PCF of 1,27 kg CO2eq/kg:

  • Raw materials: 1,22
  • Upstream Transport: 3,49.10-2
  • Blending: 2,40.10-2

Q8 Formula Truck 8600 10W-40 has a PCF of 1,41 kg CO2eq/kg:

  • Raw materials: 1.38
  • Upstream Transport: 3,71.10-3
  • Blending: 2,40.10-2

In this example the Q8 Formula Truck 7000 10W-40 has a lower PCF, so is more sustainable product compared to the Q8 Formula Truck 8600 10W-40.

4. Definitions

GHG, greenhouse gases: Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.

Carbon footprint: The emissions of greenhouse gases (in carbon equivalents) for an activity or organization over a given period of time.

PCF, or Product Carbon Footprint: The sum of GHG emissions, expressed as CO2 equivalents.