Article 3: Supporting the SDG: access to affordable and clean energy
The United Nations has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for its member states as part of a universal action plan to achieve a ‘better and more sustainable future for all’.
Among these is Goal 7, which seeks to ‘ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all’. By 2030, the UN wants to achieve a substantial increase in renewable energy, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and expand the infrastructure for supplying sustainable energy services in developing countries.

Energy is arguably one of the most important of all the UN goals. Access to energy is essential to achieve many of the other SDGs, which include eradicating poverty through advances in health, education, water supply and economic growth, and reducing the impact of climate change.
Our parent company Kuwait Petroleum International has set sustainability as one of its top corporate objectives and this commitment permeates every part of our business.
Q8Oils’ blending plant in Antwerp – one of Europe’s largest and most advanced lubricant production facilities – is achieving the highest standards of sustainability. 100 per cent of its energy comes from renewable sources, mainly hydropower, which is guaranteed by a Green Certificate.
An external audit of the plant is carried out every four years and this is used to highlight further energy efficiency measures. Since the last audit in 2016 many improvements were carried out, for example replacing the office boiler with an energy efficient heat exchanger, installing high-speed closing doors in the additive warehouse to conserve heat, and improving the insulation of walls, windows and doors.
Through Q8 Research, a world leader in petrochemical and lubricant research, Q8Oils is at the forefront of developing the next generation of lubricants to minimise environmental impact.

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Article 4: Supporting the SDG: industry, innovation and infrastructure